import serial import time from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox COMPORT = "COM7" BAUD = 115200 class Stepper_gui: def __init__(self): self.window = Tk() self.window.title("Stepper Control") self.zero_button = Button(self.window, text="Setup Zero Position", command=self.setup_zero) self.zero_button.pack() self.move_zero_button = Button(self.window, text="Move to set Zero", command=self.move_to_zero) self.move_zero_button.pack() dl_lab = Label(self.window, text="Drive Length (mm)") dl_lab.pack() self.drive_length = StringVar() self.drive_length.set("1") self.drive_length_entry = Entry(self.window, textvariable=self.drive_length) self.drive_length_entry.pack() dd_lab = Label(self.window, text="Drive Duration (s)") dd_lab.pack() self.drive_duration = StringVar() self.drive_duration.set("10") self.drive_duration_entry = Entry(self.window, textvariable=self.drive_duration) self.drive_duration_entry.pack() dir_lab = Label(self.window, text="Drive Direction") dir_lab.pack() self.dir_str = StringVar() self.dir_str.set("1") self.frwd_btn = Radiobutton(self.window, text="Forward", variable=self.dir_str, value="1") self.frwd_btn.pack() self.back_btn = Radiobutton(self.window, text="Backward", variable=self.dir_str, value="-1") self.back_btn.pack() self.go_button = Button(self.window, text="Drive Syringe", self.go_button.pack() self.stop_button = Button(self.window, text="STOP", command=self.stop_drive) self.stop_button.pack() self.ser = Simple_serial(COMPORT, BAUD) def setup_zero(self): self.ser.write("7777,7777,7777") self.zero_button.config(text="Set Zero") self.zero_button.config(command=self.set_zero) def set_zero(self): self.ser.write("6666,6666,6666") self.zero_button.config(text="Setup Zero Position") self.zero_button.config(command=self.setup_zero) def move_to_zero(self): self.ser.write("8888,8888,8888") def drive(self): self.ser.write( str(int(round(float( self.drive_length.get() ) * 1000))) + "," + str( int(round(float(self.drive_duration.get())) * 1000000 )) + "," + self.dir_str.get()) self.check_code( self.ser.readline() ) def stop_drive(self): self.ser.write("9999,9999,9999") def check_code(self, code): if code != "1": if code == "-1": tkMessageBox.showwarning("Warning", "Move velocity is too high") elif code == "-2": tkMessageBox.showwarning("Warning", "Move distance too far") elif code == "-3": tkMessageBox.showwarning("Warning", "Move distance beyond zero point") else: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Warning", "Unknown Error") class Simple_serial: def __init__(self, com, baud): self.serial = None = com self.baud = baud self.__connect__() def __connect__(self): try: self.serial = serial.Serial(, self.baud, timeout = 1) except ValueError: print "Value Error Exception!!!" #Raise some warning in future except SerialException: print "Serial Exception!!!" else: #Serial connection threw no exceptions if not self.serial.isOpen(): ''' Wait for connection to form. When serial connection is established the arduino restarts. The code below waits until the arduino reports back. On the arduino, in the setup() block, there should be: Serial.begin(28800); Serial.write("X"); Thus, as soon as the connection is established, arduio sends "X" and when we recieve "X", we know the connection is good. ''' read = "" start = time.time() connection_timeout = 3 #seconds while time.time()-start < connection_timeout: read = if read == "X": break if read == "": raise SerialException("Incorrectly configured device") def write(self, output): self.serial.write(output) def readline(self): ms = time.time()*1000.0 line = "" while True: line += if "\n" in line: return line[0:-2] if time.time()*1000.0 - ms > 5000: return "" if __name__ == '__main__': App = Stepper_gui() App.window.mainloop()